anouther Duo


Dalayan Beginner
i was just curious on about a mage/rog combo. idk much about SoD havnt played recently but would the mage have pet tank and have the rogue just BS him, be good dps. no heals but good dps.
This duo would be very difficult to do anything quickly. You will be able to DPS stuff down but you will have a lot of down time. Also, it will probably be tough to keep aggro on the pet.
Rule of thumb for a duo to be effective till late game is for one of them to be a healer. Dunno why people try reinventing the wheel.
Rule of thumb for a duo to be effective till late game is for one of them to be a healer. Dunno why people try reinventing the wheel.

This duo will suck to level:
1) There is noone to heal, this means your bind wounding the mage/rogue, and youll be doing this constantly since:
2) That mage pet will not keep aggro on the trash you'll be exping, furthermore:
3) There is a huge gap where mages do not get a new petheal for like 26 levels or something absurd like that, which will basically be the worst experience of your life because your pet will be torn apart without outside buffs/heals and the rogue will be very low on health soon after.

Basically duoing this will make you want to put your balls in a vicegrip.
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