ANOTHER To Play in the Forest issue


Dalayan Beginner
So yes, I understand and I've read all the petitions and posts about this quest. My complaint is different.

The night I did the quest (2 nights prior to this post), when he started, I barely got one or two prods in before Rinbo started glitching around through the scenery. I think at one point he fell through the floor and kind of disappeared. I was ahead of him I think almost the entire time, and I had him on track for safe measure. Anyway, to make a long post short, he eventually teleported into a mistlight and killed himself.

Now I'm ok with failing a quest fairly, but that was definitely not fair. I was watching my latency trying to figure out what was wrong, and neither side of that green bar showed any disturbance. I had no chance. I'd like to either reflag this quest so I can start it again, or erase this quest from my life forever. Thanks in advance.
No worries man it's not really required to be sucessful to complete your aug. I'm pretty sure you know that as well.

I also feel your pain the same exact same thing happened to me after the third prod. He bounced back towards the road then poof all gone. Like he vanished into a void. A little while later he teleported right into the mistlights and insta gibbed. I was pretty bummed since it was totally beyond my control. I had a heads up on the quest and knew what to expect. Sadly that didn't help cause he bugged and did the same exact same thing.

I thought about petitioning and all that since I hate to fail at anything. It mostly irritated me because it was something I had no control over. It was basically a loose / loose attempt.

Ohh well such is life sometimes but I still got my aug.
Yeah I know in the long run it won't hurt my aug chances. I just don't like how I had no control over it. Like I said, I'd be PERFECTLY fine if it was within my control, but it wasn't.
Has anyone ever actually beaten this quest using the prod? I think it is nearly impossible, especially considering you only get one chance at it. Thank goodness it isn't actually required to get the aug.
If you can run decently fast, you just have to time when to start casting your prod to knock him the right way. I had to prod him 4-5 times to keep him on track, but I didn't have any problems with it once I got the hang of it. You also have plenty of time to practice the timing on the prod with the previous quest with the animals.

It's plenty doable if you practiced; not knowing you need to be practiced is the main problem.
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