Another Ring V issue...


Dalayan Beginner
I have tried this several times, and always get the same results.

1. Pull a Plague Worshipper
2. Cast Cleanse on Plague Worshipper
3. Spell casts, but nothing happens to the Plague Worshipper. Not so much as a twitch.

I have, in the same groups, had other party members who are at the same point cleanse the plague worshippers successfully.

I completed rings 1 through 4, as directed by the NPCs. No shortcuts were taken, and nothing was looted or turned in out of turn. I did, however, fail on the first attempt at ring 4 way back when.

I also deleted my mark of newport that I received when I first started ring 1, since it was taking up space and didnt seem to be needed any longer. I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not, although I was told it doesn't.

It just seems that soemthing with Aarielly is flagged wrong for this quest.

Just wondering if anyone has been able to look into this? I would /petition, but the rules say to post regarding quest related issues, rather than using petition.
I'm having the same issue as Aarielly. Yesterday while attempting this, I had my wizard casting the vials and it seemed things were going fine. Aarielly asked if the game was giving me a count of how many I had cleansed. It had not at first, though around the 6th one it did tell me I had 6 cleansed. But it also told me I had 6 cleansed on the next one. After that, I couldn't cast the vial on the worshippers anymore.

Is there any fix to this issue?
in the first place sorry for posting on aarielly's thread but since my problem is in the same quest i thought it would be appropriate for me to post here also.
My problem is the following,me and a friend were dong the part were supposed to clanse the worshippers when we came uppon a big problem,after we cleansed the worshippers and the priests spawned, our pets stopped to obey us,they just would'nt defend us from the priests and neither /pet atack command didnt show any results,and since the two of us were pet classes it ended up quite bad,after wipe we kept comming after the same problem,the only way to have found to pets to help us is by resummoning em after the fight with the priest has already started,and it only works for that specific priest,because after we cleansed another worshipper they just stopped to obey us again
Thanks for your attention and sorry for crappy english :)

Any info on this one?

Also, Unholy_Avenger describes an issue that a group of mine encountered last week as well. Once the pets attacked the enraged priests they became, shall we say, disobedient?

Anyway, my clicky vial has no effect at all, and I can't see a reason why.
I am having the same problem. I have cleansed 7 plague worshippers, and I am unable to cleanse the last one to get the final mob to spawn. Very disappointing, but I cannot do anything about it.

aarielly said:
I have tried this several times, and always get the same results.

1. Pull a Plague Worshipper
2. Cast Cleanse on Plague Worshipper
3. Spell casts, but nothing happens to the Plague Worshipper. Not so much as a twitch.

I have, in the same groups, had other party members who are at the same point cleanse the plague worshippers successfully.

I completed rings 1 through 4, as directed by the NPCs. No shortcuts were taken, and nothing was looted or turned in out of turn. I did, however, fail on the first attempt at ring 4 way back when.

I also deleted my mark of newport that I received when I first started ring 1, since it was taking up space and didnt seem to be needed any longer. I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not, although I was told it doesn't.

It just seems that soemthing with Aarielly is flagged wrong for this quest.


Same problem, Khelen Ironfeather. Is there a way I could obtain a new vial or get reflagged from ring 4?
I know several people in our guild had the same problem just to confirm this further. My problem was a little different however and I wondered if anyone knew a way to fix (if not I really hope it will be fixed!). I did get to cleanse 8 and got Althak to spawn and did get to loot his head (and so did the other 4 group members) .... but I didn't hail the cleansed guy that spawned after Althak and someone else in my group did. Not thinking anything of it I returned to town with all of my items to aquire ring V and I was simply ignored by Halsey and my items were returned to me. Looking back at wiki I found it was stated you must hail the last cleansed... but me being me who doesnt really like relying on a lot of out of game help got screwed.
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