Another Problem w/ Decay Lrd Grindrun's Quests for Gradalsh augment


Dalayan Beginner
as quoted in Thayis/ prev. thread, I have a similar issue...
Originally Posted by Thalyn
I was working through a few of Decay Lord Grindrun's quests (A Plague for All Seasons I) and I've encountered a problem.

I finished part II of the quest line, but when I turned in my Amulet of the Cult Initiate, I received it back instead of the upgraded Amulet of the Cult Acolyte. Not noticing it at first, I moved on to part III, in which I kill one of the nearby acolytes. Afterwards, I hailed Grindrun, received XP, and turned in what I assumed was the correct amulet. However, I received the message "Decay Lord Grindrun has returned your Amulet of the Cult Initiate."

I checked the item in my bag, and sure enough, I had the Amulet of the Cult Initiate, never receiving the Amulet of the Cult Acolyte for completing the second part of the quest, and thus unable to receive the Amulet of the Aspiring Cultist for completion of the third part.

Hailing Decay Lord Grindrun now initiates the fourth part of the quest, since I had already killed the acolyte as required in part III.

Essentially, the quest line should go as follows:

Part 1
Reanimate corpse
Talk to Decay Lord Grindrun
Receive Amulet of Cult Initiate

Part 2
Murder "a Newport citizen"
Talk to Corporal Larun
Talk to Decay Lord Grindrun, turn in Amulet of Cult Initiate
Receive Amulet of Cult Acolyte

Part 3
Kill Acolyte Imden or Vira
Talk to Decay Lord Grindrun, turn in Amulet of Cult Acolyte
Receive Amulet of the Aspiring Cultist

Part 4
Kill two "a paladin initiate", loot heads
Talk to Decay Lord Grindrun, turn in both "Paladin's head"
Then turn in Amulet of the Aspiring Cultist
Receive Amulet of the Cultist

The problem seemed to have occurred at the end of Part 2, when I received the Amulet of the Cult Initiate back instead of the Amulet of the Cult Acolyte. Since I already completed the tasks for Part 3 before I noticed the issue, I can no longer turn in the initial amulet to receive the subsequent upgrades.

My character's name is Thalyn.

Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

EDIT: Fixed it. Thank you.

Hi. I am experienceing this same issue as above, as of 8-22-11 , so Im unsure how they fixed it.

I still have my Amulet of the cult initiate, altho I am doing step 4 already in Lord Decay Grindrun's quest (as part of the Plague for All Seasons pt. 1).

In fact, I am unable to even hand Lord Grindrun his requested Paladin's Head x2. He simply hands them back, with no dialogue. Ive tried over four times.

So my issues are... I still have the Cult initiate amulet , that should have been upgraded by now,
I cannot turn in the bounty of 2 heads to the Deacay Lord, and complete stage 4 of his quest series.
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