Another Noob problem..sigh


Dalayan Beginner
Ok I downloaded everthing to myeverquest file.

I am attempting to run the Wr patcher it says direct it to my eq file, when I do it says it cannot find a proper instalation..! so what have I done worng /sigh
ok moreinfo

I have tried several different places for the patcher to look for files. The browse feature never allows me to click OK so thats no help.

I have tried C:\Program Files\Everquest which is where the files are..

I tried no caps in the names, no spaces in the names, leaving off the Everquest part moving the files to C:\ and using that direction allways get the cannot find a proper installation . This is frustrating
You need to provide more information.

what is the exact error?
What expansion are you patched to?
Where did you unload the WRFix files?

Stuff like that.
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