Another Newbie


Dalayan Beginner
Salutations! I'm a 28 year old lady, and frankly just tired of infantile communities on most games lately. I've played EQ, EQ2, EQOA (ps2), FFXI, WoW, RO, and a bunch of F2P games.

Though I played EQ for a few years about 10 years ago, it has been a very very long time. I'm hoping I'll find someone that will help me learn the ropes again, and to navigate the changes here on SoD (I've asked in the beginner's guild, but so far no one is forthcoming).

On all of the MMOs I've played, I've managed to make some really good friends and find a perma-group. Hopefully I'll meet some folks interested in doing that here.

I've made a cleric named Keinan, so feel free to talk to me in game if you'd like.

I do have one particular question- is there a way to zoom out without using the scroll on the mouse?

Thanks, and see you around.
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Hello and welcome to SoD. I'm also very new here, but i'm willing to help in whatever way I can. I'm sure you're already aware of the wiki. But in my opinion an answer to a question from a person can be just as helpful. Hope to see you around in SoD!
Hi and Welcome,
Something that might help is that there is sort of a common set of dungeons that most people use to level their characters. These are not usually the best at the level. But since pop may be an issue during your playtime, these are often your best bet for hanging around for groups.
Blackburrow 8-14 #alternate - MielechA
Warrens 13 - 20 ish #alternate - as above
Warpstone - 20ish - 30 or so #alternate KaladimA

By this point, you should have a group of friends to help. And what I did is hazy.

As far as the game, check out the Wiki for changes. What you will find is classes play pretty much the same as live until around 60ish.

At this point to the end game, the classes will differentiate in that there are locally made enhancements to certain classes to compensate for certain design flaws that became painfully evident at higher tiers. The actual flavor and feel of the class is probably the same. Wars tank, clerics heal, dps dpses. etc...

I don't know if if you played a cleric on live, but one change most live clerics I know like is no cheal circles. The mechanics here for complete heal are changed to prevent it.

I'm usually on in the evenings EST, if you need any advice.
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Thanks everyone, I'm starting to get back in the swing of things.

I've made some other characters - Duchaillu (Frog Wiz) , Tourniquette (Ogre Shammy), Chiloria (Eru Necro) Kolya (Vah Shammy), and remade Keihatsu as a Vah Bard. I'm mostly playing on Keinan(Halfling Cleric).
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New To SoD

Greetings all :) New Here, I have not rolled a character yet as i'm still downloading the client.. My name is Jason, im old :p Played EQ since 99, was a Guide as well. Tons of Good Memories.. I look forward to playing with you all, and Thanks for making SOD! And im Bringing 2 good friends with me! >:)
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