Ancestral Mask problem and question


Dalayan Beginner
Alright, I've been working on the ancestral mask on my shaman, got to the point where I had to hand the athame to the 3 spawned mobs(FG, Wyvern, and Shadowdale.) Did that part and went back to Greenmist to hand it back in to the NPC there. Summoned the NPC w/ the book, handed him the athame, he despawned, but I wasn't given anything and I didn't get any further quest text. Is this right or did I get bugged?

2nd, After that part, how many mutilated bones are there or is that in the quest text that I didn't get?

(This is all on my Shaman Teknel)

Well, my net died on me so I was forced to relog and saw that i had my athame back, went back and tried to hail him, he despawned and I got quest text. So ignore this, was my screw up I guess.
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