An player inexperience


Dalayan Beginner
Good afternoon, i'm from Spain, i just discovered this game recently and i've never played this game, so i am a novice in this game, and i would like you to give me some tips before start, that this is the game? and that you recommend creating me as a new player? i only want for play casually in the start, and what is a good class for play alone?, but i think sometimes groups like to make, and i read what they can handle 2 box characters at once, since i'm new and i do not want rolling at first i did not hurry to reach the max level in the game, so i hope you advise me quietly, thank you very much friends, and sorry for my bad english, i don't know much.
i found the necromancer (my alt) to be a pretty fun and self sufficient class. they dole out awesome sustained dps and are regarded rather highly at the higher end for their awesome utility/dps. if you were to start one, i recommend pumping a good portion of your starting stats into charisma seeing as for spells to land they rely heavily on that statistic. good luck and hope ya find something you like!

sorry for my bad english, i don't know much.

There is no need to apologize, your English is good enough.

No necesita disculpar, puede hablar inglés suficientemente bueno. (or is it "bastante bien"?) Necesito practicar mi gramática español.
Thanks Nuvian, follow your advice and i got a necromancer, and about you did comment of charisma, i do human and that most has, thanks
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