Amulet of the Cultist Quest (fix faction or bugged?)


Dalayan Beginner
Basic Overview
Decay Lord Grindrun wants you to prove your devotion by killing two paladin initiates

You say, 'Hail, Decay Lord Grindrun'
Decay Lord Grindrun says, 'YDecay Lord Grindrun says, 'you seek advancement once more Cultist? you wish to be aspiring no longer, to rise further in the eyes of our Lord Gradalsh?'

You say, 'Yes, master'
Decay Lord Grindrun reguards you quietly, then nods. 'Then it is high time that you turn your powers on those that would seek to prevent the glorious spread of Entropy. Most hated of Gradalsh are the despicable, self-righteous and pititful Paaladins of the Hand of Life. They will seek you kill you for your beliefs, and it would be most unbecoming of us to not return the favor. While you would be no match for a fully trained paladin, they have young initiates who might be a more....fitting target for you. The initates train outsides the Temple of Life most of the time, but will be protected. Better that you strike when they patrol the streets as part of their training. Kill them and tkae thier heads. Two heads of paladins-to-be will make and excellent prize for Entropy.'Kill the paladin initiates walking around, the ones standing still dont drop heads.
EDIT: Paladin Initiates do not appear to roam the streets of Newport any more, so the static spawns DO now drop the heads, although not every time. Confirmed drop on static Paladin Initiate near healer in SNP.
Dont worry bout the guards, they wont aggro. You'll take faction hits with everything good, but not with newport.

Ok thats off the sodwiki, now I know its not law, but I still have a problem. Not sure if its a bug or what. This is the newbie necro GM quest. Im a gnome so I start off in the newport sewers.

So I do the quest, I kill 4 paladins before I get both heads, however Im now kos to the newport guards. This presents a problem, because I cant advance my newport ring quest, nor can I go into newport to do anything at all. So my faction if completely messed up. I thought maybe going back & turning the quest in to my GM would fix it, it doesnt.

So my problem lies here, I cant do any quest turn-ins to fix my faction with the guards because Im KoS, I cant do my newport ring quest because Im KoS. Is there any way to fix my faction with the newport guards or am I SoL & cant get my newport ring or any other quests?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Somehow I think it's a well designed quest: every single guy can do it, and it's tedious enough so you will think twice before trashing your factions...
Ya unfortunately I read it wouldnt touch your newport faction, so I did the quest. Bad me for doing quests eh.
I had the same problem. The info I read on the quest said that the guards wouldn't aggro, so of course the first time I tried to kill an initiate a guard aggroed me and killed me. No problem, I figure I'll just watch his pathing and time my kill. Except after two kills (with no heads dropping) I'm already KOS to the guards. Of course I am choosing Entropy faction on purpose, so I'll deal with running invis inbetween attempts, but I understand your frustration at being misinformed. Just keep in mind that no true Cultist would do those ring quests proud to be evil...screw Newport!!!
Question kinda related: My husband and I both have necros. My DE necro was kos to Newport by lvl 18 and all i did during those lvls was these quests, some trash mob fighting, and fishing (lvled 12-18 from fishing). My husband has a human necro and did the exact same things i did but lvled on trash mobs instead of fishing and he is not kos to newport. He was still dubious before starting and of the newport faction (tokens) quests. We only attacked the initiates after they engaged so no heat from the guards.

Do dark elves start out with a lower faction than humans (still dubious but lower on the scale)? I dont mind my DE being kos, I just dont understand how 2 toons following the same line of events end up with different factions unless they started differently.
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