Amulet of The Cult Voice Quest


Dalayan Beginner
I am to the part where you have to poison 4 animals in mistwoods. I used up all the vials that I had and had to go get more... only after throwing the last vial it gave me a new one and a message that says this item must be destroyed in a trash barrel and it could interfere with quests. I ended up destroying it in a trash barrel and getting another stack. Now everytime I infect an animal it says it is number 1 of 4 no matter how many times I do it. And when I kill an infected animal it says it is number 0 of 4 no matter how many times I do it. Don't know if this is an issue with the quest or if my flags got messed up somehow. Characters name is Xandrar if it matters.
It sounds like you didn't read either the message about the trash barrel or what you were supposed to do in the quest.

Certain items can't be destroyed or rid of through normal means. This is a built-in protection done on an item-by-item intentional basis to protect you from destroying certain quest-essential items. The Trash Barrel exists as a way to get rid of those items intentionally.

The quest dialogue about "0 of 4" and "1 of 4" as you've described sounds accurate, correct, and intentional. You're doing something wrong.
Well the quest giver will not give you anymore vials unless I have 0. After I throw my last one I get one back in my inventory and have to manually put it in my range slot one at a time. So I destroyed it and the quest giver gave me another stack. I will recheck and make sure I am doing what I should be doing, but I know for a fact before I ran out of vials I was at 3 of 4. So something seems wrong to me.
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