Amulet of Blackscale faction


Dalayan Beginner
My DE Necro has started this quest to get the Grobb neck. I noticed that when I collected the head of the traitor in Starfall and turned it in to Coordinator Malika, I received standing with Grobb Wardens and Denizens of Grobb but received no improved faction with Blackscale. From checking other posts here I thought this quest was supposed to improve Blackscale faction. Has this been changed or am I bugged?
I am not 100% certain on this point but IIRC Blackscale Faction can't be raised at this point of the game.

Though I might be mistaken - might've just been the Darksun headbands.
I don't believe I took any faction hits for killing Sylvta...I think some of the heads you need to collect for this do lower factions, but not this one.
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