Am I still banned?


Dalayan Beginner
I played SoD about a year ago, but I got banned for being stupid. I can elaborate if necessary. Since then, I have moved houses, and I have a new computer. I also lost my discs. Should I bother buying Underfoot, or is it likely that I still have the ban? I have no idea how the ban worked, so this might be a dumb question.

I hope to get back in the game and contribute positively to the SoD community.
Chances are if you were banned you are still banned. Staff dont just randomly unban people. When u are banned they can ip ban or account ban. If u were only account banned you can go about playing a couple different ways.

1. Try to get your account back by going through the appeal process listed here:

2. Using the same method as above listed in link you may ask to play again but must input who you are what you were banned for and staff may allow you to start over on a new account.( this is usually the route they take i do believe)

Note: if u have made a digital purchase of any everquest expansion through, you can redownload the game for free.

Good luck. P.s. in the future i'd include your account or toon name in a post like this.... " who the hell is bigreddog1" " idk ignore him untill he gives us enough information to give him answers with"
Chances are if you were banned you are still banned. Staff dont just randomly unban people. When u are banned they can ip ban or account ban. If u were only account banned you can go about playing a couple different ways.

1. Try to get your account back by going through the appeal process listed here:

2. Using the same method as above listed in link you may ask to play again but must input who you are what you were banned for and staff may allow you to start over on a new account.( this is usually the route they take i do believe)

Note: if u have made a digital purchase of any everquest expansion through, you can redownload the game for free.

Good luck. P.s. in the future i'd include your account or toon name in a post like this.... " who the hell is bigreddog1" " idk ignore him untill he gives us enough information to give him answers with"
I believe I was IP banned, as I could not make a new account to play. I am wondering if my ip would have changed through moving / a new comp. Thanks for the tip, but I did not buy the game digitally last time. My toon was a 59ish beastlord named Celev, but I am pretty sure he no longer exists. I have no intent in getting my characters back. I just want to start fresh.

Thanks for responding. Still not sure if I should buy the download. :O
Standard procedure for those banned in "The Great Purge of 2009" (the first mass macroquest banning).

You'll need to send a request to [email protected] to make a new account.

Depending on the severity of your cheating, you'll be given permission to make a new account or you'll be confirmed as remaining "ban on sight".
I believe I was IP banned, as I could not make a new account to play. I am wondering if my ip would have changed through moving / a new comp. :O

depends how hard they ban you i think. im not sure if they ban all you ip's (you have several) or just your NIC or Router or w/e. good luck
Hey bigred you wont get a reply. They just say this to waste your time and laugh at you in the office. Sorry but your done.
For the record, he's already made new accounts in the good graces of the staff. You, on the other hand, need to gtfo.
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