Am I doing something wrong with this??


Dalayan Beginner
I've been working on many newb Grobb quests for the past couple of weeks now and came across one from an Iksar NPC named Azanth Screechhand in the SK guild and I'm having trouble with it. The first quest he gave, I had no problem with and received an ok tunic, which I was lvl 7 at the time, so any tunic with stats on it is awesome when you're not twinked. However, after hailing him again and receiving a second quest and the Corpse Scavanger Pack to combine the items in, I ran into trouble. He asks for 2 of the following to be combined in the pack: Tongue of a Froglok Guard, Skin of an Alligator, Stinger from a Scorpion, Bone Chip, and Blood of a Leech. Ok, so I finally gather 2 of each of these items and when I hit combine I get an error message stating these items cannot be combined in this container type. My question is whether this is again the "leech blood" issue we have seen before in Grobb or is the quest farked?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

Aye, it would rock if someone from the quest team noticed this one too ; )

I'll submit a /bug about it again.
I found the problem with this, the combine is looking for the wrong stinger. It'll be fixed next patch.

This may be a simple question, but how can I find out when a patch has occurred, or when the next patch is scheduled to be (if they are usually every other wednesday... or something)?

I think I noticed the patcher updating my spells.txt file, but I don't know if that's the actual patch or not... I logged on and am still getting the same thing with this particular quest, so I assume no? Is there a way to tell what has been patched?

I thought the same thing too, Sibro, but check your leech blood. When I finally looked at my items, my leech blood had been changed to something else. My SK is lvl 16 now, so I highly doubt I need the reward from the quest anymore, but I just have to finish it anyway!! So, out to the bog I went and ran around all over the place for like an hour....Not one leech to be found!!! I'll check back on the leeches another day, maybe I was just unlucky and someone else was killing them before I could see them, dunno.

I checked, and you're right it is now changed to sucker ichor. But it was announced that leech blood name was changed to sucker ichor, and if leech blood = sucker ichor, then it should still be the same thing, and no problems...

I checked with the NPC and hailed it again, and it still asks for Leech Blood... so does Leech Blood AND sucker ichor now exist in game?

Also: I figured that since the problem was with the quest checking for the wrong stinger, there was no problem with the leech blood part of it... but maybe that was just an incorrect assumption.

ANYWAY: if anyone gets this quest working, please let me know what you used to combine the container... "leech blood" or the ichor.

Re: .

Sibro said:
I checked, and you're right it is now changed to sucker ichor. But it was announced that leech blood name was changed to sucker ichor, and if leech blood = sucker ichor, then it should still be the same thing, and no problems...

I am pretty sure there was more then one item called "leech blood" before and the just changed one of them to the ichor, so there is still an item out there called leech blood.

Well, if that is the case I am going to suggest that the leech blood must be very rare off of leeches, which are also nowhere near common. I've been looking for leeches specifically since, and have yet to find any blood. And you need *two* of them.

Unless there is somewhere other than leeches and giant leeches in Stinger's Bog I can find a working "leech blood" - but if there is I'd *love* to hear about it ; )

OK - I pretty much give up at this point. I've been looking for "leech blood" for far too many hours but can't get anything but "ichor" off the swamp leeches and giant leeches. Either something is still not working right, or it's far too rare IMO.

If anyone gets this quest working and posts about it, maybe I'll consider trying it again. But at this point there's just no fun left in it.
Well,it's August now and this quest is still broken :( I'm more interested to see how far theis quest line goes than any possible reward, but at this rate.......
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