Alt-Tab issues


Dalayan Beginner
I can alt tab between characters mostly, but I have two monitors. I cannot move the EQ window to the bigger screen and alt-enter fullscreen doesn't work at all. I use EQW because if i dont, it takes all of screen 1 and pushes partly into screen 2. When i try to alt-tab to my browser window, it visually shows it, but won't let me do anything in it. What am i doing wrong? Any help is appreciated. thanks!
Would pressing the start key on the keyboard, then clicking on the browser window in the taskbar work?

Also try using CTRL ALT R to release the mouse from the SoD client, then ALT TAB the browser application. (You can change this keystroke in the eqw.ini file see below)

In your eqwindows folder there is a file called eqw.ini;
Not sure if its there by default but add (or edit) the following line into the [Hotkeys] section. (EDIT: it is there by default, defined as CTRL ALT S)


Replace r with whatever key you want to define to switch directly to the next instance of SoD currently running, much faster for 2 boxing than ALT TABbing between clients. I use the ` key just below the escape button but thats just personal taste, just make sure the key you pick is not bound to an action in the SoD client.

Hope one of these ideas help ;)
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