"Alliance with Othmirs", Silvercrown Aug Quest Bugged.


Dalayan Adventurer
I turned in enough claws to get ally with the othmirs and now none of them will accept my token of alliance - they all return it to me. I went back to talk to the trader in everfrost, just in case, and she says like "I already gave you a task, win the othmir's trust and show them the token of alliance". So I went back, gave the token to all of them (again) and it still doesnt worjk. Please help :)
That Quest was not bugged yesterday, give your token to the guy you handed all the claws. But give him the right token, not one from the Kargyxx/Centaur quest.
I never received a token for centaurs/kargyxx.

Just a crown looking 'token of alliance' and the text to go help the othmir.
Enough brugwar claws to be ally infact, i capped @ max ally just incase) and the othmir don't respond or accept the token.

I wonder if we were accidentally given a different (centaurs/kargyxx?) token instead...
All three tokens are the same item.

There is a flag bug in the quest, fixing it.
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