"Alliance with Centaurs", Silvercrown Aug Quest Bugged.


Dalayan Adventurer
When you hail the Heleron of the Plains (The person the Trader Vayna(sp?) says is the leader of the centaurs), he proposes a key phrase "I have been sent by the silver crown to assist your tribe" and he doesn't reply when you say that. I tried many similarities in the key phrase and still nothing. Tried giving him token of alliance and he goes like Meh, you're not my ally yet so work for me and stuff. So, to make a long story short, I can't get to ally with him cause he won,t give me any tasks to do.

Sorry for being annoying, your favorite silvercrown cleric, Xious :p
Instead of making another thread, since it is a "part" of this quest, I THINK "Alliance with Kargyxx" Is bugged as well, I currently am dubious to them and Windweaver (Leader of the Kargyxx) does not talk about anything related to the above mentionned alliance.. The only thing he talks about is the corruption (main quest dialogue) "Tell me of this corruption" is the only option available.

For that matter, are there any ways of increasing Kargyxx faction other than the, like, 10 Tarxans in Starfall that are on a slow, slow respawn timer? Or is that an intended bottleneck?
Update on this, upon turning in centaur manes to Heleron of the Plains.. I was given 3k exp per turn in for the approximate 6 first manes then nothing but faction - intended? I kept turning them in anyway cause I didnt care that much about the exp, just wanted to get ally :p
fooraide said:
Update on this, upon turning in centaur manes to Heleron of the Plains.. I was given 3k exp per turn in for the approximate 6 first manes then nothing but faction - intended? I kept turning them in anyway cause I didnt care that much about the exp, just wanted to get ally :p
Something silimar to this has been in for longer. I believe stuff like NP faction thingies also used to give xp for the first few... and then not anymore.
Lots of quests only give XP for a few turnins to prevent tumpy tonic situations.
I am just going to post this in here instead of making a new thread. I talked to Trader Voyna to get the quest rolling and I wasn't expecting to receive an item much less two. I was able to get a token of alliance on my cursor but after reading the dialog I was supposed to receive two? My packs were full and I searched the ground and I tried to hail her again. Is there a way to get the second token back or is this now a broken quest and just forget about it? Do we have to complete ALL the quests to get promoted too? Thanks
Kalvalla said:
I am just going to post this in here instead of making a new thread. I talked to Trader Voyna to get the quest rolling and I wasn't expecting to receive an item much less two. I was able to get a token of alliance on my cursor but after reading the dialog I was supposed to receive two? My packs were full and I searched the ground and I tried to hail her again. Is there a way to get the second token back or is this now a broken quest and just forget about it? Do we have to complete ALL the quests to get promoted too? Thanks

It's in your bank.
Oh brother, I must be the only person who saves everything they can't find information for on the wiki or in the forum. All my bank slots were full too. Thanks for the response though Wiz. I am just going to have to try and save some slots for future occurances.
Wiz said:
Lots of quests only give XP for a few turnins to prevent tumpy tonic situations.

Aye and I think its a fantastic idea!! And makes total sense :0 if you hand in 100 of X.. obviously it wasn't much of a challenege for you anymore :) its still good for faction however.

As to the below invetory/bank issue.. this is why I have always made sure to have 2-3 slots (1 Inventory and 2 others normaly). open when ever doing ANY quest. I never know what to expect to be given and want to be ready just in case.
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