Ahoy hoy.


Dalayan Beginner
Well I finaly got my dual core problem solved so I figured I should log in and say hi to everyone.
Little intro. I played EQ live from pre Kunark to post GoD. And it jsut got to much for me and I quit. I did what most people do and played WoW, not a huge fan. So I went back to EQ, realized it wasn't the same game I loved to play, so I quit again, went to CoH had fun but not enough depth. Played WoW while I anxiously awaited Vanguard. Was severly disappointed when Vangaurd did come out. Quit again went to Playstation games : ). Back to WoW, then my sub ran out I was broke, and I was cruising the web and found this site.
Am very happy I have. I loved Eq and I hope to have a good time in SoD as well. I just hope to be able to find groups, and to get in a good guild. I have a few questions but will leave that for another post.

Well going to stop typing now and just say Hi everyone =)
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