Dalayan Elder
On Dmaps and above it is essential that MT keeps aggro. As a Paladin as soon as the mobs spawn, I target 1, get close and personal and cast Wave of Light and Word of the Crusader in rapid succession to max AE aggro. However, I get very variable results and sometimes the Off Tank seems to get better aggro and sometimes 1 or more aggro on DPS or Healers. Conversely, as offtank I cast Wave of Light once and found everything aggroing me rather than MT.
a) Is what I described the best tactic or is there a better method
b) If this is a reasonable approach should I delay casting so the first spell takes effect just as the mobs start to move or is casting before OK.
c) Do some tanks keep switching targets to maintain aggro, I personally find this difficult and a bit like playing an arcade game. It isnt made any easier as I have an Nvidia 9 series card and the screen becomes incredibly confused with multiple mobs at times and retargeting can be very difficult.
d) Are there any other Pally methods of maintaiing aggro on multiple targets
Sory if this sounds a noobish question but this is my first char and having (hopefully) mastered the basics it's about improving overall.
a) Is what I described the best tactic or is there a better method
b) If this is a reasonable approach should I delay casting so the first spell takes effect just as the mobs start to move or is casting before OK.
c) Do some tanks keep switching targets to maintain aggro, I personally find this difficult and a bit like playing an arcade game. It isnt made any easier as I have an Nvidia 9 series card and the screen becomes incredibly confused with multiple mobs at times and retargeting can be very difficult.
d) Are there any other Pally methods of maintaiing aggro on multiple targets
Sory if this sounds a noobish question but this is my first char and having (hopefully) mastered the basics it's about improving overall.