Aged Runic Platemail


Dalayan Beginner
1) So I realize these are pretty random drops, but I am working on Dragon faction and I would like to loot some of these in the meantime. Are they completely random? Do they have higher drops in some areas/mobs? At the very least could I get some confirmed loots on mobs/zones so I can try and farm some. I am play a level 50 duo.

2) For now I just want to get amiable for the frist draconic quests, can this be done just by killing frost giants in say GD or Storm?
Zones I know of that drop the armor are Dragon's Necropolis, Siren's Grotto, Mielech C (but I don't understand why), and DHK (presumably also Stormkeep and Storm's Eye). All completely random afaik, but some mobs have higher chances than others (Dragons in DN seem to have the best chance I've seen, as well as maybe wurms in DHK). For a 50s duo, SG WF side might be your best bet.

You can get to indifferent by killing the frost giants... to get to amiable you will need to collect their heads for quest turn-in (doesn't take many to get to amiable).
In DN last night the RNG was favoring leather and chain, both of which our group had no use for. They were dropping like crazy at least. Have only seen a few Velious pieces, but I was unimpressed to say the least.
Its all about RNG.

I recently spend 52 aa's grinding a level 65 pair in DN.
This was a mix of the dragon cycle and rats when I got bored.

I was there for the chain bp, so I left as soon as it dropped.
The end tally was something like:
5-6 plate bp's, 1-2 plate legs
3-4 leather bps, 3 leather legs
1 silk robe, 3 silk legs
1 chain bp, 4 chain legs.
the RNG hates me, i've not seen a single plate bp in all the exping/farming of dragons that i've done in dn.
The Level of the Mob definitly has something to do with it. I have not seen Any of that armor drop from a Rat unless it was a Ratman Officer. Even the Ratman Elite (who summons) does not drop those armor peaces in DN.

Never seen any gaint drop them that wasn't inside stormkeep.

.... And I know the RNG hates me.
Kirin Folken said:
The Level of the Mob definitly has something to do with it. I have not seen Any of that armor drop from a Rat unless it was a Ratman Officer. Even the Ratman Elite (who summons) does not drop those armor peaces in DN.

Never seen any gaint drop them that wasn't inside stormkeep.

.... And I know the RNG hates me.

Categorically false. I've seen both BPs & Legs drop off of rat trash (seers, etc), on many occasions.
Alton said:
Categorically false. I've seen both BPs & Legs drop off of rat trash (seers, etc), on many occasions.

If what you say is true.. I will point you to the end of my post.

... the RNG hates me... This is a absolute Truth.
I got 2 chain BPs and plate legs from soloing rat city

Spiritplx said:
Have only seen a few Velious pieces, but I was unimpressed to say the least.

You must not realize that it upgrades to ornate then combine
iaeolan said:
You must not realize that it upgrades to ornate then combine

Ornate is also mostly obsolete by the time most people can get it (except for the clickies). Combine is much better, but you have to be in one of the top tiers raiding guilds to get it...
Ornate obsolete.. heck most people I know would say that from the First Grade of armors. I am useing the Gloves on Azmat but in most of my slots the armor is a downgrade at this point.
Kirin Folken said:
Ornate obsolete.. heck most people I know would say that from the First Grade of armors. I am useing the Gloves on Azmat but in most of my slots the armor is a downgrade at this point.
Ornate isn't obsolete when you get it when you're suppose to(NDHK tier). Especially the BPs. The normal Draconic/Stormwoven is pretty bad tho, not gonna lie. But it's also not suppose to be spectacular considering how little you have to do to get it.

And Combine is very, very good, and it isn't top tier by any means. Immaculate/Upgraded is top tier.
Mmmm.. Think you misunderstood what i ment. (came out wrong)

I was trying to get across that I was surpised someone was calling Ornate Obsolete when you get it, since I thought it had rather good stats. Vs the Normal tier, which doesn't seem all that spectatular.

However like you said, you can get the normal tier stuff with a commmited group hunting in the right places so I suppose it shouldn't be that good. Even with its sub par stats some of the slots are decent, and like I mention the gloves ended up as a good upgrade for azmat.
GuiardoTuneweaver said:
Ornate is also mostly obsolete by the time most people can get it (except for the clickies). Combine is much better, but you have to be in one of the top tiers raiding guilds to get it...

This sounds mostly like a higher end guild backtracking to get gems opposed to the intended getting ornate while raiding SE/DHK
iaeolan said:
This sounds mostly like a higher end guild backtracking to get gems opposed to the intended getting ornate while raiding SE/DHK

Not at all. With the way Wurms hit in North after the SE/DHK rebalancing, by the time we were able to handle these in Revelation to make farming at all feasible, the only piece that was actually an upgrade for me over what we had obtained elsewhere was the BP (since there are no upgrades before then from the Mielech B dropped BP). I wore it for about 2 days and then got a Deepmetal BP, which is superior. I know a couple of our leather wearers were happy with the legs, and a couple casters with the robe, but other than that I don't remember any upgrades that didn't have better alternatives elsewhere in our tier.
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