Aeillin returns to SoD =)


Dalayan Beginner
Some of you may vaguely remember me from SoD in 2005. I was heavy into roleplay and was usually somewhere near Athica just RPing my brains out.

Well I left the game to go play WoW and had some fun there for a few years but decided the developers of that game are too interested in having a flavor of the month than to actually balance things out.

In August I quit WoW and floated from game to game, unable to find what I was looking for and so I have returned to SoD. The gameplay here is truly fun and the classes are pretty balanced. I think having devs that care so much about how the game plays out from the player standpoint is what makes SoD rock =)

So yeah, just saying hello to everyone and announcing my return to SoD!

35 DE ShadowKnight, send me a tell some time =)

- Aeillin
Welcome back! I'm new to SoD myself but I'm glad to see people are pretty friendly in this realm.

Good to see you remember me. It gives me warm fuzzies =) You were always a lot of fun!

I've been having a lot of fun. I got my fiance playing, and i'm either on Aeillin or my new gnome wizzy: Aiuras! Yes, I continue to abuse the vowels of the english language in my names =)

Hope to see some RP events soon! Keep up the good work ;)

- Aeillin
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