Additional account creation issues


Staff Emeritus
I created an additional account yesterday. On the signup sheet, there is a place for game account name/pw, forum account name/pw, and email address. I already had a forum account, and the form said that if that section were left blank the game account name/pw would be used, so I entered my existing forum account information, hoping it was smart enough to see that it existed and not create a new account.

When submitted, it displayed an error that the forum account name already existed, and did not create the game account. I was then redirected to a different form, which only had game account name/pw and email address. I thought "Great! Now I can create a game account without creating a new forum account!" I entered a new game account name/pw, submitted, and it created the game account as well as creating a forum account with the same username. :(

So the 2 issues I found where:
- When there's an error submitting the original form, you are redirected to a different form that's missing the forum account information.
- There's no way (I found) to create a second game account without also creating a new forum account.
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