Accounts (auto system ISP reject)


Dalayan Beginner
Ok Several times I have tried you auto system to recover my account list.
I'm trying to find my other accounts pref I would love to see what I left on my banker years ago haha.

Anyhow my ISP apparently Auto rejects any auto e-mail sent from you
(to regain access to the accounts I have I had my friend who has PoA on my 2 main account to reset them / give me pass)

However i'm not able to get a full list of my accounts or change the original e-mail address.

I'm not sure quite what to do here. but would like to get access to the rest of my accounts.

I would be happy to just hand you my e-mail login info and let you test it for yourselves, or maybe we can find a work around this?

~~~So I browsed around a little harder and have sent e-mail to tao.~~~
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