Account Retreival


Dalayan Beginner
I stopped playing for a few months ::slapforhead:: and I tried to log into some of my own accounts. I can't seem to get any of the passwords to stick and when I do account retrieval with my e-mail(s), I never actually receive an e-mail even though it says it is incoming. Any ideas or who to escalate to?

Thanks everyone.
Go to this link here to make sure you're sending the right account info to the right address or something like that:p

If you see the acount you're trying to retrieve on the list that this link sends you then you should get an Email from this link: with instructions on how to reset your password.]

Also, Try fomeloing your characters on that account to make sure it even exists still (maybe someone deleted them)?

If that still doesnt work i would ask yourself. Is my character really worth taking the time from staff to restore? and contact staff using the recovery process listed here: You better have some sort of proof the account is really your's or you will be wasting your time

Even then im not 100% sure this is the route to go, something tells me its not. but -shrug- Good luck, Cya around
One thing to keep in mind, if you used a hotmail account, then you will *never* get an e-mail from the automated system. For some reason it rejects all automated messages from SoD to hotmail... so if you're using a hotmail account, then I'd use the e-mail address provided in recovery with your hotmail info to get your stuff.
Go to this link here to make sure you're sending the right account info to the right address or something like that:p

If you see the acount you're trying to retrieve on the list that this link sends you then you should get an Email from this link: with instructions on how to reset your password.]

Also, Try fomeloing your characters on that account to make sure it even exists still (maybe someone deleted them)?

If that still doesnt work i would ask yourself. Is my character really worth taking the time from staff to restore? and contact staff using the recovery process listed here: You better have some sort of proof the account is really your's or you will be wasting your time

Even then im not 100% sure this is the route to go, something tells me its not. but -shrug- Good luck, Cya around

Both accounts are on AOL accounts (only I apparently use AOL anymore...) and it says it will send a list associated with those accounts. That e-mail never comes. I check spam and everything else and nothing.

I remember one character name but the other escapes me. He is on the server. Both are 65 with AA's, so I'd say they're worth the time.
One thing to keep in mind, if you used a hotmail account, then you will *never* get an e-mail from the automated system. For some reason it rejects all automated messages from SoD to hotmail... so if you're using a hotmail account, then I'd use the e-mail address provided in recovery with your hotmail info to get your stuff.

What about AOL? By the way, you sold me some jewelry in game.
In most email accounts you can set your spam filters to specifically accept a certain email address etc etc. Try asking for the Email adress of the automated system and add it to your spam exceptions. Maybe that will help?! -shrug-
If the automated system is not working for you (most yahoo accounts, like every hotmail account, etc.) then send an e-mail to me at [email protected] with all of the information (from the e-mail address you weren't getting the e-mails to).

I'm a little behind from holiday travel, but I'll catch up on those e-mails over the next couple of days.
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