Go to this link here to make sure you're sending the right account info to the right address or something like that
If you see the acount you're trying to retrieve on the list that this link sends you then you should get an Email from this link:
http://shardsofdalaya.com/acctmanage/AccountRecovery.php with instructions on how to reset your password.]
Also, Try fomeloing your characters on that account to make sure it even exists still (maybe someone deleted them)?
If that still doesnt work i would ask yourself. Is my character really worth taking the time from staff to restore? and contact staff using the recovery process listed here:
http://shardsofdalaya.com/acctmanage/CharacterRestoreRequest.php You better have some sort of proof the account is really your's or you will be wasting your time
Even then im not 100% sure this is the route to go, something tells me its not. but -shrug- Good luck, Cya around