account recovery fail


Dalayan Elder
I have requested my account to be recovered about a dozen times now and still no e-mail. I sent requests to have password reset as old as two weeks ago. I think perhaps my e-mail may be blockingit or something. I think this is a job for IRC but i don't even know how to get into that.
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What happened to your account bud? you can go to the home page for the IRC directions. basically download mirc and set it to. and then join channel #sod. and bam you're in!
It's a job for e-mail Tao at [email protected] with full details of what you did, what didn't happen, and what you're hoping to accomplish and send the e-mail from the e-mail address registered with the account(s) you're trying to recover.

It's admittedly a bit invasive and slower to have me to do such things manually, but it's an option available to you.

Fair warning, a little over half the times people e-mail me regarding account management/recovery, the problem is that they are not using the correct e-mail address. I'd check that first since it's the fastest thing to check and would yield the easiest and swiftest solution.
i will try to have the recovery sent to a different e-mail tho i cannot think of which id use besides the one ive been trying. If that doesn't work I will e-mail you. Thank you Tao.
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