Account - lost access to original email.


Dalayan Adventurer
I have several accounts that were made under a few yahoo emails that I have lost access to (at that time you were only allowed one account per email).

Long story short, when AT&T bought yahoo, my yahoo email accounts got merged, and when I told AT&T to go pound sand and bought internet service with somebody else, I lost access to my merged yahoo email accounts. This happened a long time ago. I even sent a email to [email protected] sometime last year, but heard nothing.

I have no problem logging in with any of my characters on my accounts, and I have only started to share two of them (guest-locked) very recently, but I would like to set up a working email to associate them with. Just in case something happens.

I have been here since WR, and I would hate to think what could happen if I lost access to my accounts without a chance to recover them!
I know the feeling here. I have nearly all chars finally switched to 1 email (since in the past there was a limit of 2 char accounts per email.... or 3 if you were a donator i believe). But there is 1 or 2 accounts i dont have the original email address to, and/ or cant access it. It makes me very concerned for these characters.

Maybe a temp period for everyone to transfer characters to accounts with known email (for a small fee perhaps?) or something to this effect
I'd have no problem creating new accounts tied to my current email and have the old toons transferred, if it simplifies things, because I am a gold donator.

I really appreciate the concern about not letting strangers get a hold of other people's accounts, but I am sure there's ways to prove that I am who I am. I simply would like to take care of this before while I have access to all my characters, in case something bad happens.
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