Account Compromised Assistance required


Dalayan Beginner
Hello, this thread is more so addressed to those that have had an account compromised or are in an admin/ other positions to help. I had an account that was compromised/hacked while i was away working. i was out of internet for an extended period of time upon returning all of my characters on one account were deleted. i submitted a character restore ticket but have not heard anything back yet ( i also dont know the normal time for that kind of thing) but of course im unable to remember all the names of the toons i had on this account if there is anything i can do to get all the characters restored that would be great or if there is a way to find out if my character restore has been viewed yet i would appreciate the information shoot me an email at:
[email protected]

Thanks SoD devs and admins you have done a good job keep it up
P.S. please dont create a bazaar like in live but a search by item effect would be nice on list sold

Allielyn said:
The process of restoring a character may take some time to complete. In cases of difficult restores (those which have no specific date set for restoration, those from WR days, etc) it may take a month or two. In fact, if the character was deleted more than 6 months ago, there is a very good chance it will not be recovered.

*Disclaimer: Character restoration is an at-will service that provided by one staffer (when he has the will), and is in no way guaranteed by the staff. This service could be suspended at any time and for any reason and in selective cases, for any character. If you don't want to wait: start a new character.

For what it's worth, I'm sorry someone you trusted with your account information betrayed that trust.
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