Account Banished?


Dalayan Beginner
Hello SOD,

I played SOD for about a year or so and left in 2008. Yesterday I reinstalled SOD on my new computer. Unfortunately I had forgotten my passwords so I took the steps to create new passwords for my accounts. Once I had finished with the passwords I attempted to log into Dalaya and was greeted with the error message:

EQEMu Error: You have been Banished from E***Q****. To contest this decision, please contact the server's administration.

Once I received this message I went out to a couple different friends houses that also have sod on their comps. I successfully logged into my accounts at both of their houses, leading me to believe that my IP address has been banned. I have looked at the info from the ban fest and can say with 99% certainty that no one has logged my accounts in since I last logged them in back in 2008 (the 1% would be a possibility of account hacking). Also I know for a fact that I do not have any third party software on my comp other than EQPN. With all of this said I am wondering if anyone could help me figure this out?
afaik its a bug that happens sometimes and is an easy and quick fix, just pop onto irc and ask a gm to help out. im sure someone will come to your rescue supah fast. welcome back to being a SODdy
You are awesome Vartenaal, thanks for the info. I was getting ready to wipe sod and eq from my comp and reinstall everything:/
Just for future readers, if you've gotten banned without known reason and you think you are collateral damage, IRC is the place to go. If you're not having luck getting a response from the gms in IRC, send an email to [email protected] (or is it [email protected]?). Probably good idea to mention you think you are collateral damage in the email.
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