About Jewelery Combines


Dalayan Beginner
Everytime I log on it seems and do an auction or make myself known in ooc i get a flood of tells about jewelling combines, they're always vague and time consuming and unnecissary like:

"can you make jewelry?"
"can you make black sapphire jewelry?"
"yes im 250 skill"
"would you combine one for me"
"if you donate i suppose, meet me at newport"
soandso hands you a black sapphire.
"erm can you get the platinum bar and mold please..."
"where do i get those from?"
"north newport"
"i cant find it"
"its in the smith building"
"and i just need one pattern and one bar right???"
soandso hands you the items
transaction complete

Now this isn't too bad I suppose but when I get 5 people /telling me and know i have to go through this 5 times it's really maddening, like a half hours work and much pestering for a little payment :(

So from now on i'll only acknowledge tells like this:

"hey I see you're in newport, i have all the bits for a black sapphire earring and will donate 50pp for you to make it"

Also check my listing vault as I wont combine something i'm selling already as that'd be undercutting myself and counterproductive :)

Good post. I deal with a mere fraction of that with people requesting teleports and being already grouped, prompting me to remind them to disband, but I can empathize. ;)

I'm curious why you wont combine items that are already for sale in your inventory though? If you can make a profit without losing any inventory, it sounds like a good deal to me.
She makes more money, and recoupes some of her losses faster with doing everything herself. I can understand that as I did all my tradeskills to 220+ on live for an earing quest. They get very expensive very fast and you dont start to make money for a while.

If she gets a 50 pp donation for a combine, but makes 100 pp selling the item in her inventory, then she effectively loses money doing the combine for 50 pp. That same person would eventually buy the item at full price anyway, if the free (donation) combine was not available.

This is the same reason why I don't do combines for free, or even at a discounted price. I would either be undercutting myself or, for trivial items, taking much needed profit away from up and coming tailors who depend on those sales to increas their skills. Not to mention, that if I did reduced cost combines for everyone who asked, I would never make enough plat to cover the time and money that I put into my skills.

It is like walking into Walmart with a spool of thread and asking to trade it for that $20 shirt. If you offer to give them the thread and donate $3, they will still throw you out on your ass.
aarielly said:
If she gets a 50 pp donation for a combine, but makes 100 pp selling the item in her inventory, then she effectively loses money doing the combine for 50 pp.

Backlog of unsold inventory = lost profit. Gotcha.
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