Abnormal program termination


Dalayan Beginner
I get a runtime error when I try to log in a toon on one of my accounts since 2.5. I have tried deleting his files in the dir and repatch, and have had someone else load him and move him. I have also tried making another toon on that account with no problem. I can get as far as char creation but when I press enter world I get the message.

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Everquest\eqgame.exe
abnormal program termination
So can you use other toons, just not this one? Or is it crashing for anything you load in? What OS are you running? You need to be more clear.

Regardless, that error is basically a software conflict so I would troubleshoot this way:
  1. Disable software that could causing the conflict -- like anti-virus / malware scanners / etc.
  2. Start up in diagnostic mode (run msconfig.exe and select that option) and see if it works - if it works then you go back to normal mode but re-enable startup programs one at a time to find which program is causing the issue. If it doesn't work in diagnostic mode there's probably something wrong with your SoD install or your Windows services.
  3. Reinstall SoD from a clean source
  4. Repair/reinstall the .NET framework
  5. Reinstall the appropriate flavor of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package - probably 2008 and x86 for you
I can load all of my other toons without issue on all my other accounts. Its just that 1 toon.

I am running win 7

After looking in the eq dir, I see that toon does not have the files mophix_sod.ini or mophix.ini

but I have deleted his files and repatched all

any ideas?
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Okay, if it is not all your toons, in all likelihood its some issue with something specific to that character, so...

Couple more troubleshoots:
  • Try having someone else load in that toon and unequip all your gear (might be one of those textures causing the issue).
  • Switch models (if using luclin) for that toon's race.
  • Delete soandso_sod.ini and UI_soandso_sod.ini
Also, what does your dbg.txt say after crash?
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