...aaaand we're back.


Dalayan Beginner
Hey all, I'm Old-school EQ-live player here that quit after gates (one of the many). Came back later to live to start anew, didn't really like the direction it was rapidly taking in SoD-era (SoD as in Seeds of Destruction), and due to some peer pressure quit that and tried out WoW.

WoW's a pretty good game, but overproduced and oversimplified. Everyone knows everything that happens before it happens, and there's never any sense of danger or risk or wonder of what might be around the next corner. This after coming from EQ before there were even maps, and corpse runs we're defined in Websters under "Brutal; see soul crushing". Mind you, I didn't miss that all that much. It was the community, something that WoW severely lacks outside of secluded circles.

So here I am again, playing comically named characters in a boxed class combo that shouldn't work yet somehow does and enjoying every minute of it, rediscovering new ways of walking in an old pair of shoes, remade from what I consider to be the sunset of EQ's golden age at the end of PoP.

Thanks for the already warm welcome, and I'll see y'all in game :)
-Brophaestus and company
Welcome to SoD, though I fear your days on WoW have infected you... that name Brophaestus is just awful.

Leave the dark side of WoW and join us fully!

Oh, and Wizard / Rogue is a fun combo, too.
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