A worn out question


Dalayan Beginner
I know this is a big surprise seeing how this is posted here all over including the sticky threads however I'm having issues. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but here are my steps:

-Installed EQ Evolution, downloaded/patched all expansions (everything was clicked).

-Downloaded "Files" from SoD and unziped them in Everquest directory.

-Ran Eqw, unchecked "Run Patch Progam" and launch "eqgame.exe"

-Game is version 2.35a, runs, I input my information (been registered not too long, more than a week however), and.. nothing. I get the "cannot connect to server" message, other times it brings up SOE news then I see a server selection screen which remains blank until it disconnects me. Yet everytime I cannot connect to the client server according to the main page it is up.

Pretty sad on my part if it's something simple. Thanks for any help.
Make a new Shortcut on your desktop and have it target the eqgame.exe then finish it and when its there right click on it go to properties and insert the pathme like mine is shown below.

E:\Games\Everquest\eqgame.exe patchme

That is how mine is set up.
Yes.. I have tried that, one is no different than the other as far as my not being able to log in. I should also note that I installed the spell file updates and I have no sound whatsoever while the client is running (yes, it's checked, on and everything). Ports 9000 UDP, 5999 TCP, 5997 TCP are open, I'm not aware of any specific others.

I can't count how many times I've double checked the host file, re-install updates both on Live and the "File" folder, toyed with "eqw" -- I'm at a loss.
only outher thing i can think of is.


open a file called "hosts" with notepad and insert wintersroar.com www.wintersroar.com

but you did say your tryed that. so sory, i got nothin.
Please post your eqhost.txt (from your EQDirectory). If it looks different from:
[Registration Servers] 
[Login Servers] 
Then you haven't applied the files from the frontpage properly.
Thank you, Kaynin. However I have no such luck.

Out of frustration I tested EQemu, that works just fine besides being forced to play on their current test clients. I re-patched and then installed the files yet again -- no go.

Oh well.
Did you download the spells.zip? And to fix sound try using the enter key instead of clicking okay after you turn sound on in options. And if that doesn't work patch to live and use the options there to set it on.
do you have a firewall?
a firewall would prevent you from connecting. and ive even had my firewall, which i got rather angry with and made it disappear, have it selected to accept SoD but wouldnt let me play anyway.
zone alarm is a game killer.....
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