A rogue who found a home


Dalayan Beginner
-This tale begins not with one person, but with a book, a small pamplet covered in spots of blood and a leather binding lay before your eyes and there stands a dagger, sprouting from the corner of the cover, stabbed through and into the table. Your curiosity fills and overcomes you as your hands slip across the cover page and you begin to thumb through the torn and ragged pages of this seemingly historical document. Your eyes glance across the first page or two noticing the unreadable faerie scriptural markings and you continue through two more pages and come to an area within the page that is readable, save for a blood stain that smeers the first couple of words but you begin to make out the rest.....-

"....I have no clue where I am, it's dark... cold, wet. I'm crying uncontrollably and there are men outside where I am laughing and drinking. I can smell the ale and the scent of biscuits. Oh gods of Dalaya I'm so hungry!"

- you manage to bypass a tear stain in the paper and continue reading on-

" I'm trying to stay calm.... I might as well try to remember who I am.... and what the hell happened, ok lets see. My name is, oh god what is my name... um P...P... Pro...Prucotri, no... Procuri! hah! My name's Procuri.... I'm a halfing, unless some enchanter has blinded my mind with his magics, I'm a halfing. Um, I think I'm somewhere within twenty harvests old, maybe twenty-two or so, I can't remember. My home is, gone. I used to live just outside of the Highpass... but my home is gone. I've no family, the goblins killed them all.... I remember them coming in and grabbing our cloths and weapons... I'm still wearing the same underwear, I don't know how long they've been on my butt... they seem really old now."

-a blot of mold covers the next paragraph-

".....ungs burning, I couldn't breath... the fatter goblin was standing over me and I turned away to see the other goblins stabbing a spear through my mother's head... Gods...I want to die! But I can't, father didn't teach my to think like this.. gotta keep remembering. The fatter goblin held some sort of stone that was wrapped to a stick, like a mage's staff and her mumbled some words. Gods my lungs felt like they were about to burst and my eyes turned red and all I could taste was blood. Then my memory turns hazy. Oh no.... some one's coming.... looks like a guard, please don't let him hurt me!"

-your imagination begins to wonder as an illusion over takes your mind and you start to see through the eyes of this Halfing named Procuri and the visions of red, blood stained walls and floors, and the corridor twists and turns leading to a ironclad gate that had bloot splatters on the spikes that it buries into the ground, and behind it a design is placed on the brick wall, the design consists of a giant black circle with red hands in a circle and a seemingly all seeing eyeball in the center, a horrid sight that would give anyone that was in this halfling's state a sure shock of fear. The gate clanks iron with stone and grinds open, and the two guards grasping at Procuri's two arms drags him past the gate just in time to clear his feet from the almost intruding spike that would have tore through the halfling's large blood covered feet. They turn left and a large included walkway looms ahead of the three, Procuri groans and the two guards begin to slide his almost lifeless corpse up the include and then into a right turn, a torch burns behind them as another incline looms before them, and after conquering that incline your vision takes a slight glance to the right and you see jail cells with hanging spikes and bones littering the floors and an dubious looking woman, short in stature just like Procuri standing there, with glove covered hands staring at you.

She laughs and a flash of light blinds all of your senses and after blinking several times... your sight returns. You look around and see a man , a human, standing tall behind a slab of stone and infront of a wall of trinkets and jewelry, swords, and shields looking at you somewhat befriendingly but that sight lasts all to short and you feel a force on you being pulled, You're senses feel throw as you see Procuri being thrown to the floor in a room that houses several men and women, tables and chairs with a pedestal in the far back center of the room and a man standing behind it, beaming a smile at you. Procuri stands up and blinks several time to once agian, see the design of the allseeing eye and red hands behind the man that smiles at him.... for the first time you hear words behind spoken.-

" Hello halfling, Welcome to my guild hall.... You, are now, a rogue of the Twisted Palms, wether you like it or not, *leaning down and grinning evilly* You're mine now!"

-The illusion fails and you return to your own state of mind, still staring at the papers before you.... you notice that somehow, the pages you seemed with be reading were littered with runes and pictures... something must have happened within your brain as you tried to read the runes that took a magical effect and let you see through this boy's eyes and mind. But now, you continue reading the normal text , several pages ahead.-

"Hehehe I'm just coming back from the guild halls after turning in my loot to my Fencer Yarda. Gods of Dalaya shine down on me, I'll be a rich one if I keep it up like this. But another thing puzzles me. Today, I heard a man shouting through the walls of Newport about some Mercenaries that were recruiting.... I was thinking... if I joined, I could make even MORE money. But then, I talked to the recruiting man and I realized what they stood for and what they wanted to do.... Now, I'm not an evil person, but I do like my money.... and even though this guy was talking about his band of Black Hammer Mercenaries... I knew I'd not make money, but instead, I'd make some friends and hell, maybe I'd have something that might resemble a family that I had lost. Well.... Not much to write today, but I'll check these Mercenaries out."

-Some gnoll blood fills the next page along with the dust of bones that comes sliding off the page. You come to the last page in this pamplet and it's not very long written but it has a sense of happiness in it.-

"Wow, I've been with these Black Hammer Mercenaries for a while and I'm liking it. They've treated me nice, They've assisted me through my seasons as a rogue... and hell, no one seems to care that I freely steal from houses and people each day.... I think I've found my new family."

-The pages end with a drawing of Procuri and some faceless people that carry the emblem of the Black Hammer Mercenaries on their armor together in the city of Newport.-
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