A Plague for All Seasons part III


Dalayan Beginner
65 warrior named suleq.

So I read up on the wiki on this quest before i started in on it hoping i had all the information right. However, i ended up messing up. I dont think it is a bug in the quest.

Diety Aug.

I went into halas and got to the part where i am to attack Chieftan Warren McAston's two gaurds, and leave him untouched. I went in with my cleric to heal. Killed the two guards, kept him alive. As i was running both toons to the docks i turned my Afayen's Failed Experiment
into Chieftan's son, and not his wife. I believe some of the further quest dialouge came up, however, as the chieftan still had aggro on my cleric, my cleric rooted him in the water and gated out. Then on Suleq i went over, he had the water glitch where he will not stay in one location.

I tried to swim all through the water hailing him and could get no response from him. I never got the dialouge that would allow for a faction hit or anything. I also checked my inventory. The afayen's failed experiment was no longer in my bags. I zoned out. And have gone in many times trying to see if i could further this quest to no avail. Now when i zone in, i see chieftan Warren in his normal spawn point with two guards.

I can get no dialouge from Chieftan Warren, he has his two guards standing next to him. I can aggro his two gaurds, but chieftan does not aggro me, and even if i kill the both, i no longer have the failed experiment to give to Merral Mc Aston.

I was just wondering more if i am SoL.


When i check my journal log it says, Now he's talking! First things first ........before i proceed?
I am in a similar boat at the exact same step in the quest on my shaman Zagler. McAston will not respond to hails, journal has updated, but I cannot progress. I posted in the main thread for "Plague for All Seasons" several times and got nothing so I dunno, maybe you will have better luck than I have...
I just wonder if it would be possible to remove some of the flags on this quest, so it can be restarted
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