A Missing, possibly destroyed quest reward


Dalayan Elder
I was going through my bank a few weeks ago, to add my Warsinger Augment to my drum, and couldn't find it. Now, I don't remember destroying it, and I certainly couldn't sell it. (no drop)

Unsure as to what to do, I ran back to the quest giver, hoping perhaps I could prompt him to give me the item again...to no avail. I then tried to repeat the turn in process for the quest, which didn't work. Which I understand, because otherwise you could get a lot of exp doing the same quest over and over.

My question ends up being, is there anyway for me to get the instrument augment back, or is it lost to me for good?

Quest is in Southern Newport; Bard's Guild
Quest Giver is the Guild Master Ilmer the Skald
Quest Reward is Mark of the Warsinger (3rd and Final Instrument Augment Quest)
oddly enough, my mark of the skald went missing awhile back. There may be some connection and reason for these going missing.
Ok, now my Mark of the Warsinger randomly dissappeared from my tambourine. Are any other bards besides Ia and myself losing our augments? Are they bugged, because its becoming a little frustrating to lose all my augs. =/
Still have not received any word on this quest line. Are the augs suppossed to poof? Petitioning in game has not got me anywhere since I have been told only Wiz can make these corrections.
still haven't heard any word of the bard quest gems, a bunch of us still don't have them from them "poofing" from our inventory. Any insight onto whats going on there?
How could this have slipped through the cracks for so long? Original post was in June?!?!?

Coiuld completing the quest give your toon a flag and you could hail an NPC to replace the quest aug? If the aug is lore it would be impossible to abuse but would fix the problem for the bards.
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