A glutton for punishment.


Dalayan Beginner
Alright. I'm Back again after, three, four years?
Samjaya Raramuri, a ranger, is my main and has been a character here since 2005. (Psst. He's still lvl 45. LOL!!)
I may not play him much, but he'll be around. I'm gonna focus on a new role.
In the Winter's Roar era, I was a part of the Buttermilk Gang.
Then SoD was born. I was a member of Venerate. (BTW where is that douche TapeinV? Is he still causing trouble? ya know, the general douchery that he's good at.)
I then fell into Aeternus, and was having fun. Then I Poofed on everyone. (Divorce zapped my enthusiasm.)
Anyway, if you remember me, drop me a tell, or just call me a douche bag on ooc. I'll be playing Samjaya a little, but my main will be Quistus (15 Cleric).

Hey Mike, I tried to send you a PM/leave a visitor message and it appears you have both turned off.

Hit me up in IRC on the irc.shardsofdalaya.com server, nickname is tape on IRC.
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