Sup guys.
Just started playing here. I tried this server last year some time and had some other things come up. Hopefully this time I'll stay awhile longer.
I'm 2 boxing a bard / shaman. Same as on The Sleeper (Seratz / Ztares) Had a 65 wiz, 65 nec, and 65 monk on The Rathe. Quit when GoD came out years ago.
Normally play with my brother and cousin also, so we ALWAYS have a group.
Hit me up in game if you're low lvl and need a group.
Just started playing here. I tried this server last year some time and had some other things come up. Hopefully this time I'll stay awhile longer.
I'm 2 boxing a bard / shaman. Same as on The Sleeper (Seratz / Ztares) Had a 65 wiz, 65 nec, and 65 monk on The Rathe. Quit when GoD came out years ago.
Normally play with my brother and cousin also, so we ALWAYS have a group.
Hit me up in game if you're low lvl and need a group.