Dalayan Beginner
Hey folks. Seems to be a recurring theme around here, but just to throw it out there, played EQ for a little over 9 yrs did some raiding, had some fun, but just got tired of paying $30 - $45/month for my accounts. Been goofing around with some f2p mmorpgs when I came across SoD. Dug my Anniversary Pack out of storage and figured I would give it a shot. Played a Mage for most of my time in EQ, but have also played most every class the game had to offer to at least 40+ with several in the 70+ range with 1k+ AAs.
Just thinking about it reminds me how addicted I get to these games...maybe I shouldn't be installing. Only time will tell.
Just thinking about it reminds me how addicted I get to these games...maybe I shouldn't be installing. Only time will tell.