65 Paladin LF fun guild


Dalayan Beginner
Hey everyone! I'm a 65 Paladin who mostly likes messing around/getting XP and killin' things. I can raid too some nights but my life is hectic and huge commitment is not good.

I'm looking for a guild that either:

a) Is casual and just is around for goofing off/getting groups for XP and maybe PUG raids
b) Is raiding and is willing to accept a member who doesn't mind not getting loot but would show up now and then. Be happy to group with you guys for stuff!

I was with Resurgum as b) but they broke up.

My fomelo http://shardsofdalaya.com/fomelo/fomelo.php?char=Lenlalron. No alts cause I like just playing as one dude.

Give me a tell ingame!
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