I'm looking to trade my 65 (40 or so AA's) magician's account for pp. Shoot a tell to Siimson or Stirver in game.
He has relic pet, and wanelo is http://shardsofdalaya.com/wanelo/chardump5.php?charid=120517
Prison keyed, has ornate robe, and gem for combine armor.
He won't be stripped of any eqiupment, and inventory / bank will stay full.
Also, he has Newport, SK, DHK, and ToT port necks.
He has relic pet, and wanelo is http://shardsofdalaya.com/wanelo/chardump5.php?charid=120517
Prison keyed, has ornate robe, and gem for combine armor.
He won't be stripped of any eqiupment, and inventory / bank will stay full.
Also, he has Newport, SK, DHK, and ToT port necks.