5 years have come and gone; it's time for this one to make his way home


Staff Emeritus
It's hard to believe I joined the SoD forums nearly 5 years ago. I remember the days when Erudin and Thurgadin were starting locations with newbie content outside of each city; it was a time when "let's dump all the junk from live into a database and pretend we're playing on live!" was rampant and I immediately fell in love with SoD's uniqueness. I joined the team in 2005 because I wanted to contribute and make a difference in the project -- hoping I could create content for the players to enjoy. Hopefully I succeeded to that end and didn't disappoint -- if I did at any point in time, I apologize.

I learned quite a bit while creating content for the server and met a lot of great people -- both Staff and players. I appreciate all the patience guilds had for some of my early content and its buggy nature. I still remember Legacy's first run through Sepulcher of Darkness; man Shade of Eurikos was sure interesting back then.

It's hard to move on from something you love doing -- so my MIA nature without making it clear that I was "done" is because I've always wanted to keep going, even though I clearly don't have the time needed to devote to working on SoD. I've come to realize that now, so I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on.

I want to thank all of the players -- past and present -- for giving me a reason to keep creating new content and fixing/improving the old. You guys are very dedicated to this server, and I'm sure I speak for all of the Staff when I say it's very much appreciated. I'm not going to name specific names because I don't want it to seem like favoritism or anything; I have the utmost respect for everyone who has played on this server.

To avoid getting too sappy and lengthy in this, I want to close it out by saying that you definitely want to keep an eye on Dawntide. Wiz worked his magic here, so wait until you see what he can do with full freedom -- I'll definitely be there, ready and waiting. :)
I'm happy to say that i'm glad to have had some psyduck moments in your zones. It's obvious the community appreciates your hard work and we wish you all the best.
Thank you for everything you've done. I really did enjoy the encounters and zones you created and you'll be missed. Good luck in whatever you do man. :)
Xeldan it has been a pleasure working with you. The work you put into the server truly shows and will be remembered until its end.

Dont be a stranger, Xeld. Good luck.
Thanks for all the time you put in to this server. The content you have done has been some of the best. I wish you nothing but luck, with whatever you do.
Xeldan you done a great work for this server.

Prison is imo the best zone lore/raid wise that you and Wiz created for raids.

Take care and Good luck
farewell from the wooorld of tomorrow

I know it has been said, but I don't think it can be said enough: thanks for all the hard work you put into the server Xeldan. You will be greatly missed!
Thanks for all the hard work and dedication to this game, Xeldan. I look forward to seeing you in DT though! :dance:
Didn't know you in game, but do know the hard work you put forth improving the server. Thanks for everything you did, and good luck to you in the future! :)
Thanks for all the time and effort you have put into making SoD the wonderful world it is today. Don't be a stranger!
Good luck with all your current and future projects! :dance:
And thanks for some awesome raiding zones :)
Like the rest, I've gotta drop in and say thanks for all of the work you've done to make SoD's raiding content a ton of fun. Good luck out there!

Now we'll never know the ending to the Ryzan's Dagger quest. :(

Your contributions have been greatly appreciated. Good luck with everything!
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