35 Warrior seeking suggestions


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all. I am Sinjyn Battlecat level 35 Warrior. I am new to SoD and loving the game so far. However, I’m looking for guidance in the ways of the warrior. I am seeking any tips that will help me be a better Warrior.

In the lower levels I was having some difficulties holding agro over my Monk and Rogue friends. Lately I’ve have been improving with a better understanding of taunt and Foelock, better communication, and some item upgrades. I am currently dual wielding from the suggestions from the Warrior Agro Weapons guide on the wiki site, a Sludge-Covered Whip, and Edgehunter. I also recently obtained Furymail Gloves, which seems to have helped a lot. I have not experienced any issues with my Hit points or AC yet, but I know I could use upgrades to my armor. My guild and I are working our way through each of the Adepts which has been very fun. So my friends any suggestions on things to work on, what equipment would be best to work towards or strategies?


Thank You.
A few suggestions. Start replacing your Wyvernfang armor. Warpmetal is nice at your level, and I see you already have one WM piece. Throw some cheap augs (Tier 1 or 2) into your non-wyverfang pieces. <100p can increase your AC by as much as 10. Get a haste item. If you are rolling through adepts with your guild, then get them to help you with your Thurg quest items after a few more levels. Get some rings, TS rings or not, just don't waste inv slots by not filling them with something. Platinum Jade, Amber, even Black Sapphire. Bloodstone with some AC augs are ok. Doing NP ring quest gets a pretty decent Warrior ring.
Yeah I didn't get the Fleshflower ring, had I known at the time how few +agrro items there are I would have explocked until I got it. Now I starting to make a little bit of cash, was going to try and save up for a haste item, but you're right my fingers are naked, and I am trying to upgrade my armor to Warpmetal.

A haste item would really be excellent. I'd shoot for saving enough money to buy a cheaper one.

This is ways off but since you mentioned you'll be doing adepts, be sure to get the blade of execration from Tidefang at level 50.
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