30%+ packet loss and 1-5k ping


Dalayan Beginner
Over half the time I'm on, I can't use vendors, fight, cast, or chat, or basicly do anything but walk and sit because of lag. For a while last night it didn't lag at all, but 70% of the time I just have to sit and wait it out and I have no idea what is causing it. Any suggestions?
Some more information would be helpful:

- What is your internet connection, CPU, Mem, Video?
- What else is running on your machine?
- Specific to certain zones (ie crowded zones)?
kinda funny, i started the night in BB, there were a ton of pepole there.. lots of lag, and death trains..

I moved to the old 'upper guk' and there were like 4 people there..

granted. mobs running threw walls, agroing buddies 1/2 a mile away kinda sucked.. but the exp was nice!

then i checked out the old 's ro' not a soul there... same in oasis..

at lvl 16, lots of mobs in uguk, and oasis that would give exp... yet eveyone wants to fight the mobs in bb.. i dont' get it..
Solution found, ping is the same but no packet loss with eqwindows off, and there are no lag problems now. Not a problem to not use eqwindows, EQ can go into windowed by itself.
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