29 monk/26 sham duo. Where to go?


Dalayan Beginner
Hi i have a 29 monk, alright gear roughly 860hp/600ac and a 26 shaman, 850 mana. Just wondering where an easy spot would be to duo? Just left Warpstone, cause it was turning DB, should i go back there and lock my monk till the shammy is 29? If not what are some suggestions? I ran to Sbadlands, i don't really like it, there's too many mobs that are high lvls that just eat my chars up.
I've not played a monk, so I am not positive of their tanking abilities. If you're talking about just duoing and not getting into groups:

NBL and do the guard turn ins - spider legs, cub paws, etc. Some of the kills will be LB\green, but the turnin XP will make up for that. Watch for griffons.

Shrouded Isle - do the upper floors for the ring turnins, little bit of cash, and vendorable droppables.

Everfrost Peaks - Ice Giants perhaps? Usually camped, but good money.

Goblinskull Mountains - iirc the goblins in this zone are around your level.

Miel A - Been told it's good. I hate the zone, personally, and avoid it until it becomes necessary for quests and such.

Hope these help. When your shaman hits 34 and gets a pet, the game will change for you quite a bit. For the better, ofc.
Stay in Warpstone until 32 or 33, you want to be farming DB mobs all the way to 65 so don't shy away from them. At level 30 your "New Area Bonus" will reset making staying to 32 very efficient.

After finishing in warpstone head to Kings Pass. You can stay there until 39 if you really like it, but I get bored of it after 4-5 levels. Very easy pulls and great exp!
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