I've not played a monk, so I am not positive of their tanking abilities. If you're talking about just duoing and not getting into groups:
NBL and do the guard turn ins - spider legs, cub paws, etc. Some of the kills will be LB\green, but the turnin XP will make up for that. Watch for griffons.
Shrouded Isle - do the upper floors for the ring turnins, little bit of cash, and vendorable droppables.
Everfrost Peaks - Ice Giants perhaps? Usually camped, but good money.
Goblinskull Mountains - iirc the goblins in this zone are around your level.
Miel A - Been told it's good. I hate the zone, personally, and avoid it until it becomes necessary for quests and such.
Hope these help. When your shaman hits 34 and gets a pet, the game will change for you quite a bit. For the better, ofc.