1st Person Command


Dalayan Beginner
I have heard on the board regarding several people having trouble with the graphics messing up during the combat animations while running n first person.

What I have been trying to remember from old Live is the command to disable all combat animations. The swinging and head bobbing made me a bit sick after a while when I played Live YEARS ago and there was a command / options to turn them off; this also turned off the head of my mount from showing in my screen.

I was wondering if anyone knows what the command is or if its even in the SoD version of the game. It was something like the following if my memory serves

/firstpersonrendoring off

All you'd get was a "static" screen with no spell effects (from you) showing on the screen, no arm & head movement as well as the horse head removed. I really hated trying to look past my mount's head to get anywhere.

Since this is not a true Tech issue I understand if it has to be moved but I couldn't find a better place. Sorry

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