1017 is after me!


Dalayan Beginner
Ok, so I got in this afternoon just fine. I went LD on zone a few times, chalked it up too dial up or norton updating or something.

Restarted, repatched all, watched the signal indicator for traffic in/out on my line. All clear. Tried again like 5 times and got the same 1017 after I tried the server select (300+ in game atm).

Athlon 2.08 GHZ 512 megs, ati 9800 rage pro

Was going pretty smooth up to this sudden change.

Norton on (w/o norton firewall, using different one since it did not like SoD)

Oh and addendum to previous post. Norton firewall is off because one day it stopped letting the SoD program connect. Could get to sign in screen with account name and PW but after that it would not allow program to access server. Ideas on that would be cool too. Do not know specific name it is trying to block or why it suddenly decided it was time to stop it, considering no changes had been made from day before it did that.

Tinkering with it, so I completely shut down norton for a little bit and I still could not connect to the game. Same 1017. I am really baffled here, I thought it was probably Norton in some way shape or form (can barely check my email with norton on, and one email I cant check at all with it on)
Disable all firewalls, including Windows firewall. You don't need to keep them disabled, but just for the sake of testing. If that doesn't work, I'd check any possible router issues, such as port forwarding. Check the FAQ for more information.
Getting same problem, got disconnected while zoning randomly, am patched fully, always open EQ with patch. Been running smoothly up until just now, came here to see if there was a solution or if it was a reoccurring problem. Am also on dialup over Christmas break. :(
Getting the same thing, I think they must be having a problem with the server as the population keeps going down, its down to like 90 people now from over 300. Sorry to the group I had just joined in Greenmist :(
Also having this problem.

Was working just fine earlier today (maybe around 1-3pm)

Just tried to log on and got 1017, tried patching and I was fully patched, tried again for another 1017

Should also mention that there were only 43 players on at the time.
I've been occassionaly getting this error since I started playing earlier this month, but today after disconecting I havent been able to log back in at all thanks to this error. I've rebooted, repatched using both patchers, and so on but can't log in still. Any thoughts?
This problem looks alot like the problem that people are having in this thread.


You might wanna give that a quick read through and post the contents of your dbg.txt logs as well as your connection speed and some other stuff. Its all in that post. The problem might not be the same, but from what you guys are describing it is pretty close. Hope this helps.

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