Hey gang... new to SoD and wanted to say hi...
Mainly posting to give the Devs and GM gang a big :toot: and some :dance:
I quit the Game pre Kunark, as a 50 wiz on quellious
Came back as a necro/bard duo 6 months later.
Played till just after Ldon (64 necro, 58 bard)
I was struggling w/ their customer support to re-activate the wizzie account when I stumbled upon SoD. It is awesome to be back playing in a world where I don't see lvl 1's with raid gear...
I convinced a friend to leave City of Hero's and play ( He's never played any Eqish stuff). After drowning to many times trying to get him to swim down into the sewers, he tells me that he was playing in 3rd person view, so couldn't swim up or down =/
me - Harch - HE Druid or cynner - ogre SK
him - Harc - human Paladin ( used to be vaporflux, but had to change names already) :tinfoil:
I did have a question too...
has there ever been discussion about pre-nerf CoS being added back to the game?? It was an invaluable tool for my necro when I used to be raid puller when the monks didn't show or had to log.
Harch (pronounced like the sound of clearing your throat) :monocle:
Mainly posting to give the Devs and GM gang a big :toot: and some :dance:
I quit the Game pre Kunark, as a 50 wiz on quellious
Came back as a necro/bard duo 6 months later.
Played till just after Ldon (64 necro, 58 bard)
I was struggling w/ their customer support to re-activate the wizzie account when I stumbled upon SoD. It is awesome to be back playing in a world where I don't see lvl 1's with raid gear...
I convinced a friend to leave City of Hero's and play ( He's never played any Eqish stuff). After drowning to many times trying to get him to swim down into the sewers, he tells me that he was playing in 3rd person view, so couldn't swim up or down =/
me - Harch - HE Druid or cynner - ogre SK
him - Harc - human Paladin ( used to be vaporflux, but had to change names already) :tinfoil:
I did have a question too...
has there ever been discussion about pre-nerf CoS being added back to the game?? It was an invaluable tool for my necro when I used to be raid puller when the monks didn't show or had to log.
Harch (pronounced like the sound of clearing your throat) :monocle: