С чего начать!


Dalayan Beginner
Как начать играть? Клиент EQ2 есть, патчи скачал, указываю путь, не патчится, соответственно не работает игра.. Был бы хоть какой простенький мануал по настройке игры.
нужен не EQ2 а старый EQ, мануал уверен есть, попробуй поискать в разделе тех поддержки. в принципе нужен eq titanium, потом указываешь путь к нему и патчишь - рубишься.
Plesh said:
How to start playing? Customer EQ2 is, downloaded the patches, showing the way, no patches, respectively, the game does not work .. I would be at least some simple manual on setting up the game.

Vart said:
need not EQ2 and the old EQ, manual sure is, try to search in the section of the support. in principle need eq titanium, then points the way to him and patches - rubishsya.

Brought to you by Google ~ where translations don't require grammar!
Plesh said:
How to start playing? Customer EQ2 is, downloaded the patches, showing the way, no patches, respectively, the game does not work .. I would be at least some simple manual on setting up the game.

Vart said:
need not EQ2 and the old EQ, manual sure is, try to search in the section of the support. in principle need eq titanium, then points the way to him and patches - rubishsya.

Brought to you by Google ~ where translations don't require grammar!

Я сексуальный, сексуальный человек

На это ушло много писем, чтобы сказать, что


oh, man, that is some funny shit. good thing im the only one in the office right now...

Allow me to clue you in on some sexy Russian-Mordor speak funnies:
re Waldoff: I am a sexy, sexy human/person

re jules: It took many letters to say, and then it just trails off leaving a pause and an unfinished sentence in the air.

re furrygamer: ordinary stuff made into funny shit. so easy, yet so amusing.
Here's hoping this comes across...and if it doesn't the only people finding it remotely humorous are OP and Vart.

А сейчас я с Google Переводчик закладкой только для этого потока.
Here's hoping this comes across...and if it doesn't the only people finding it remotely humorous are OP and Vart.

А сейчас я с Google Переводчик закладкой только для этого потока.

but now i am with google translator bookmark just for this flow.

i dunno why, but the tone/style makes it sound like youre with a Google Hooker.
I heard a game was built to contain the Russian menace, and that game was named Allods.
I much prefer the russian MMO version of fallout 2.
Those russian jerks perfectly fit in a post apocalyptic universe :p.
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