Respect the police...

I only have one gripe about the naming policy right now... I've seen that a few members that are a part of the legacy guild seem to get away with some names that are questionable. I've seen the name Chamelion, which seems to be against the naming policy along with the name Thorn...

Homogenn said:
We don't enforce roleplaying among in the player database, but we do require roleplaying names, which basicly means: Make up a name instead of warping a word
Didn't you say that you picked Kenric? Or did you mean Plague? Anyway, pm me some names and I'll change it for you.

In these two cases, the words aren't warped, but kept the exact way the word is. As far as I know, Chamelion and Thorn aren't roleplaying names at all. They are the names of a lizard and of a sharp pointy thing on a rose bush.

I hate to rant on about this but it seems as if members of Legacy get some kind of "leverage" over the naming policy and it doesn't seem all that fair.

1. No titles. You can't be "Lordgrey" or "Jackthegreat". Sorry.

2. No names from well-known, popular media. You can't be Aragorn, Gandalf or Garfield. Also, excusing it with that you spelled it Ganddalf or Garrfield will earn you a ban for sheer stupidity. On that note, no unrealistic or completely idiotic names either. "Rogue" or "Iksar" are not acceptable names.

3. No wordplays. "Froak Frog" is not an acceptable name, nor is Frog or Froak by itself, but those go under idiotic names anyway.

4. That "you used this name on live" does not mean it magically bypasses the policy. We will not tolerate this excuse. Use the rules here, not the non-existant name rules on EQlive.

5. If a staff member tells you that you need to change your name, please don't argue it.

Both Chamelion and Thorn are higher level characters which also almost lead me to believe that it won't be changed either.

If I'm wrong, can a GM please tell me what I'm missing about the naming policy please.
Ah yes, I had forgotten that both Chamelion and Thorn had made their characters after Legacy formed. My bad.

We've had debates over those names before, however Wiz decided (and mind you this is prior to Legacy forming. Again.) that they weren't to be nerfed.

Not that there aren't examples of names to be nerfed in the other two guilds.

However, I do appreciate the subtle attempt at proving Staff favoritism. It's appreciated.
zodium said:
Legacy caused the Great Depression and World War 2. And 1.

Dont forget Legacy is also responsible for the creations of hurricaines Katrina and Rita.

It's good to see my long time forgotten, recently deleted, first char Samantha made it into the movie. When will I start earning money from author rights? :D
hey guys, dont worry thorn isnt dead, i just decided to have my name changed because alot of you diddnt like me being named Thorn, so thats it
<3 Thorn
Find it funny someone decides to point fingers at people and doesn't even decide to look up the proper spelling of chameleon......

I personally liked the name Thorn. Who's to say dwarves did not use thorn as a name such as we use bill, jack, carol, or even dick.
I'd like to see someone get away with the name Dick. Maybe I'll go make a rogue named Richard and you can all call me Dick.
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