Program to Copy UI/spellset files


Dalayan Adventurer
Hate loading a new character that you were told to box? Hate setting the UI up just like the other cleric(s) you play? Hate mis-casting a spell cause their spell list is different then yours? Here is the program for you. I would suggesting copying this into the same directory as you keep your patcher.

First time it loads, it will ask you for the eq directory.

Select the character name that has the UI that you want to copy.

Type in the character name of the new character you are playing.
Press the button.

I believe you only have to go back to character select, but maybe all the way to server select.

Just the EXE:

Source if you want to build it yourself. I designed it in VS2008.

Let me know of any additional features you want and/or any bugs you come across.
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Awesome! I have been doing this manually for a while... and you only have to /cm refresh (or zone) for it to take effect.

One issue I just noticed... if you have already loaded the character the game will create a UI file for it automatically, and the UI copier program will not overwrite the old file. I still had to go in and manually delete the old (unconfigured) UI files of the toon to get it working.
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Updated it to try and delete the existing UI files of the character you are trying to copy into. I added a yes/no dialog on if you want to overwrite the files.
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