Dalayan Adventurer
I was looking up information on this post, and decided to give everyone the information they need to allow their skill window to show.
1. Goto the main game folder,
2. goto uifiles folder,
3. goto sars4 (whatever type you have): i was useing sars4caster,
4. Look for EQUI_SkillsWindow.xml,
You do not want to open it as an xml, but rather as text, so:
right click this file and open with word pad (or whatever text editor you prefer).
5. scroll down to the bottom where it says:
<Screen item = "SkillsWindow">
Under <Location> it shouold have an <x> and <y> value.
6. Change the <y> value from 445 to 20.
7. Save and get out of the folder.
8. Login to the game and enjoy your skills window.
edit: never said I could spell!
1. Goto the main game folder,
2. goto uifiles folder,
3. goto sars4 (whatever type you have): i was useing sars4caster,
4. Look for EQUI_SkillsWindow.xml,
You do not want to open it as an xml, but rather as text, so:
right click this file and open with word pad (or whatever text editor you prefer).
5. scroll down to the bottom where it says:
<Screen item = "SkillsWindow">
Under <Location> it shouold have an <x> and <y> value.
6. Change the <y> value from 445 to 20.
7. Save and get out of the folder.
8. Login to the game and enjoy your skills window.
edit: never said I could spell!